‘BEATING THE BOUNDS’ A walk to raise funds for St Bartholomew’s Church, Egdean in its 400th anniversary year Sunday 22nd May ‘Beating of the Bounds’ is a tradition going back over 2,000 years, as a way of reaffirming the boundaries of a parish. The ancient parish of Egdean is a nar- row strip running from the river Rother in the south, up to Flexham Park by the A272 in the north. On this perambulation we will follow the parish boundary as closely as possible. At various points you will be encouraged to beat the boundary markers (bring your own birch or willow ‘wand’ and are welcome to join in the tradition by wearing garlands of flowers!). Father Mark will join us at selected points to bless us on our way. The walk of around 8 1/2 miles will take us through varied terrain - woods and fields, past old quarries, across streams, ditches and banks. We will rarely be on public footpaths, and will use the route as marked on old maps with permis- sion from the landowners. You are invited to walk the whole route, or join in for a shorter part of the walk. (The intermediate meeting points will be advised.) The walk will start and end at Bigenor, courtesy of Edward and Linda Way (GU28 0JP). Meet at Bigenor at 8.30 am for a prompt start at 9.00 am, aiming to reach Bigenor for a simple lunch around 2.30/3.00 pm. The walk will take approx 5 hours, allowing for breaks. £15 per person, to include lunch at Bigenor (Under 12 years, £5). All proceeds to St Bartholomew’s Church, Egdean. Please book here: www.kevishouse.com/beatingthebounds www.kevishouse.com/beatingtheboundsby 22nd April. Limited numbers! Any queries please contact Lucy or Richard Hodgson on 01798 215007 or email [email protected] edit. |